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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last Day Akela...New Arrival Date MT

Well, this is the last full day in Akela. Just got off the phone with Kay in MT, they offered me to arrive on the 18th to start the 19th in the lab testing the beets!  :)  So, I will be working 4-6 hours for 6 days @ time & a half, have the weekend off, then keep working the lab until the gate job starts. After then, I will do my gate job, and work each afternoon in the lab for the duration.  What Kay is doing for me is to get me at least 12 hours a day, which means 4+ daily at overtime, plus my 40, plus 24 hrs each weekend while there at time and a half. :D  I like this!

I just realized that I had not taken any decent pics of my setup here in Akela,
The Bare Essentials for hookup

Front (like the porch?)

I still haven't used my grill!!!  :/

Oh well, enough for now. Time to get back to packing!!!  More later this evening.

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