Yesterday (9/11/2012) started out with me & two other rv's here, by this morning, I am the only one here…& you talk about peaceful…this is it!!
My spot yesterday…

And my spot as of last night until tomorrow…

It's a little bit sunnier…but I now have 110v power, thanks to Wendell!
Tomorrow will be my last full day here, are almost full. I'll pull out sometime mid-afternoon to finish making my way to Sidney.
But, until then, I enjoy all the little peaceful places here!

This spot is next to the old Power Plant just up a trail from the campsites. Even with day use visitors here, it stays quiet & cool. It is just a beautiful little grassy "beach" area - two benches & a gorgeous cliff for a view!

I almost hate to put this spot on my blog because it is just so pristine & well maintained that I would hate for "traffic" to increase with folks coming to see it that it would get messed up!!
But 3 nites & 4 days here has done more to relax me & "recharge my batteries" than any place I've been in many years!
The day has been really nice, you can just feel fall trying to steal its way in. It is 65° with just a light breeze. There have been a few passersby today, but mainly just very quiet & calm.

3-4:30pm - Went for my daily walk, on top of the bridge to see the view one more time. Went up from the camp side, then came down on the picnic side…you know, I remember climbing steep grades like that sure seems to have been a lot easier 20+ years ago!
I then decided to walk to the back of the picnic area…that was quite a hike, but worth it. I found the old dam that they built when trying to set up that power/irrigation system.

It looks all wasted & worn & broken down to a degree, but after talking with Wendell, they are still using it for irrigation. Right now it is split being sent down the "creek" side & the canal side.

The creek side is basically not viewable unless you want to crawl/fight thru the overgrowth…I didn't want pics that bad-not much to see there anyway! But I found it interesting that a canal & dam almost a century old is still viable!
And as I made my way back to the rear of the picnic area I realized they had volleyball & horseshoe pits set up.

If you hadn't noticed, I am really impressed with the park! And I will be here for one extra note. Wendell said that since they were not really busy (there have been about 11 vehicles here today & no RV's), if I wanted to spend one more night & leave on Thursday, that was fine with him…that was an unexpected happening & I'm gladly taking him up on the offer. I even get to stay plugged up to power!

Oh, and as a side note, :), I have been trying to figure out a way to use my DeWalt drill to run my stabilizers up & down…so as I was going thru my tools to see what I could figure out, what do I find!?!?!?! A 3/8 adaptor for the drill that I didn't even realize came in one of the DeWalt kits that I had bought!

S I am now set! I have to tighten them with my ratchet, but running them up and down now takes about 3 seconds! And does my back appreciate!
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