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Sunday, March 30, 2014

"Affordable Health Care"????? RIGHT!!!!!

Hi gang, this is just a quick post...I'm headed for Bourbon, MO to deliver in the morning, and only about 3 hours out if that far. Working on a 34 hour restart....but....while sitting here I decided to be "a good citizen" and take another shot at the "AHC" (Afforable Healthcare) site....AND......

I just wasted about 2 hours wandering around the site...which is still a pain in the butt, to me at least....using my Alabama zip for quotes...I use the word "quotes" loosely because the only "supplier" in Alabama for the "Marketplace" is BC/BS.  The lowest quote for me, my age is approx $490/mo thru them. 

I then decided to go back to the start page and use Tif's see what the "marketplace" would show me....and it mostly showed me one provider, but it was cheaper.....$476/mo.

Now this peaked my curiosity, so I went outside the AHC site and did a Google for "medical insurance coverage" and came up with all the big names....Humana, eInsurance or something like that, Aetna, etc.....and you know what.....they actually had policies, catastrophic, which is what I was looking for, and even with my age and checking "tobacco"....I could have gotten it for $124/mo....I could live with that.  But it had a disclaimer at the bottom of each window that stated (more or less) that these policies did not meet the AHC requirements!  So basically they are useless.

I then looked around to see just what was going on in the minds of the American public. I hit the Gallup site to see what they had....yes, we're at 6 million subscribers....the majority of the newly covered insured are low income and/or black individuals.....young folks insured is up (and I am proud for them, really am for getting insurance if the tax credits will be really, really good)....Americans overall still don't like being told what to do....over 66% of the public are currently and have felt that the medical system did work for them.....hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

So, in short.....I am still not "covered" and probably won't be.....not until I am 65 or over. I still don't like the "grand scheme" of the AHC reality and won't be. And I hope this does not bring the healthcare system to a screeching move into reverse in the quality of care that is now out there....because it is not all that great to begin with!

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