Hi gang! We're still in the Metro...and will be for a couple of more weeks!
Just barely started with the maintenance & repairs to Europa. A couple of major things that I had planned to get done I've decided that they are more like "Winter Projects" than beginning of summer projects!! So doing the repairs that we have to get done to be able to get back out on the road. And these will take a couple of weeks to work thru & work out!!
So hang in there with us...we'll be back on the road soon!
Something else I needed to let you know...I will be moving my blogging to the AYNTSI website soon. Trying to keep up one site is a pretty much full time job for me...keeping up with 2 or 3 is just not working!!
That said, by the time we roll out of the Metro and get back on the road, everything will be on the website!
"Frog's Travels" will be the blog page
"Sites along the Backroads" will be photo & video galleries
AYNTSI Store is just that - books, pamphlets & Photos for sale
As I have said...I've been away from "technology" for such an extended time that I working with brain cells that have been dormant for a couple of decades almost!! So it's been slow going, but it's getting better each day!!
If you haven't been there yet, check out the website when you get a chance...
That pretty well brings "life" up to date!! I still have an itinerary...NM, AZ, UT, NV, maybe CA...and then heading East to AL for the winter...sometime in the Oct/Nov time-frame!!
Always have an itinerary...just don't have a REAL schedule!!
Take care and hope to see you out here on the backroads soon!!!
Frog, Abbie & Snickers