It's Monday morning & that means I'm late doing clothes! LOL. But it's a holiday so it shouldn't be busy....wrong! LOL. Seems a lot of folks decided the same it's not a quiet as I'm used to here.
But it's amazing how hard folks work to not look at another person in the same area. It's almost like they are afraid of the possibility of having to say "hi" or "good morning" to you. I have to admit that I find it quite amusing.
And even though I'm sitting here doing this on my Note 3 phone...what did we do when we didn't have them!?!? I can remember buying a USA Today or other paper....or taking a book....or, god forbid!...striking up a conversation with the washer load next to me!
And on top of that, when some poor soul has to ask someone "Do you know how these washers work?" (& they're asking a person that is taking their wet clothes out of a washer), they almost have a look of fear on their faces!
As I sit here and think about, we have become such a connected world thru all our technology that we have become a disconnected world when it comes to personal interactions with other people. It's kinda like...."sure, I'll be your BFF, but make sure you stay inside my phone/tablet...that way you can't read my body language!"
We have come such a long way and yet we have fallen in to such a deep hole when it comes to being human! Granted, I'm not one to talk...I like the "loner" lifestyle....but...I also like to interact with "humams" around me when I'm in those kinds of situations. There are 10 folks in here doing clothes....and the only conversation is by the couple, and they're not really conversing.
I know I age myself when I say "I can remember when...", but!...I can remember when it was easy to strike up a conversation with folks around you. Times have sure changed, and I'm not sure for the better!
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