I believe I told you about my renting a little car for the weekend....well, I have gone ahead and rented it by the month. They had an offer that was just hard to pass up and so the Elantra is my "daily driver" for the next couple of months. It does real well as far as mpg's go, and it is very comfortable. In fact, the way the dash and the interior is laid out it is almost relaxing, if you can say sitting in a vehicle is relaxing! Took it by Firestone and had the tires rotated and an oil change done....and just signed and drove away....that is one of the things I like about it! But it also gives me wheels to be able to get off site whenever I need to without having to unplug, and fight my way out with Bertha. And Bertha still needs work before I will want to drive her around town much. It is just too hard on the little motorhome to do all the city driving that I need to do. I also stopped by O'Reilly's and picked up a "beacon" light for the top...and it works very well....even during the day it gets folks attention and it also makes it obvious that I belong here on the site. AND...it has a full XM Satellite subscription on it! So I can get my stations I listen to in the house on it....and I can keep up with my football even when I'm working! Love it!! :-D
We have had a slight cool down here...but the humidity has gone thru the roof! Highs for the past several days have been in upper 80's and low 90's. But the lows at night have only been down to about 75, and the dew point has been at 75 or higher at times! So when you walk out the door it is like walking into a sauna! Even the nights are muggy....think Alabama in mid August on a bad night! It has just be awful! But at the same time it has brought rain from that hurricane that hit Mexico in and that has been good for the area. The water aquifer here has risen over a foot in the past few days and they are expecting it to get even higher all the way thru the weekend. After so many years of drought this is very good for the area.
Monday morning at 4am they started pouring the driveway on the southeast end of the site. They spent several days getting the ground ready (leveling, putting in water shutoff pipes, vent pipes, drains, etc), then they did the form setting in two days, and they did all the rebar layout in just one day. The pour took 17 mixer loads of concrete and the last one was emptied out at 10:50am Monday. The main reason it took so long was the trucks had to back in to the site, one truck at a time, and had to washout on site before pulling out, so it was a long process. I sat on the shoulder of the road just over the crest of the hill with beacon and flashers on to help warn cars of the parked mixers on road. In fact, I sat there until 8:40am...so it was a 14.5 hour night. And watching these drivers come barreling by and then almost running into the rear of the mixers or forcing their way into the other lane was almost hilarious if not for the fact that it is sad!

The shot on the right here is from where I was parked on the "shoulder" of the street. Eventually it will be turned back into a sidewalk. But to give you an idea of just how close the apartments are/will be to the street, the front wall of the building is just barely the width of the dirt area in the pic behind that fence to the right! TOO close for my liking! Of course, I have a warped idea of what the proper spacing should be between neighbors....the least of which should be about 400 yards!! Heheh!
These two pics show my "new" parking spot on site. I am out of the way, and have power, which I was supposed to have the day I got here, but it also shows just how close I am to the work that is going on every day...and I am still amazed that I sleep thru most of it. One guy here said that it was the "dad syndrome"....if the noise is normal, you sleep thru it!! And that is so true! LOL
They are making a lot of headway quite quickly as of now. Most of the crews are onsite no later than 7:00am and don't get off site until after 6:30pm each day. Some of them are working until the sun is gone and others are actually using lights and working late...sometimes until 10 & 11pm! But it is paying off...I might actually get off this site by January if they keep up this pace!! LOL But it is looking like I will be here until probably February.
Think I'll make a little lunch and then settle in for another nap! It does take some time to get used to working all night and sleeping during the day...but I'm getting there. And now with it being a little cooler during the day, it is easier to sleep some in the afternoons. I have to figure out what I'm going to do about the air conditioner...probably just hang in with the little portable one for the rest of this season. I'm hoping that when I replace the roof unit it will not pull too much so I will still be able to work off a 20amp electric service. Have to do a little research on the load that the new ones pull....that could decide for me which make I have installed. :-)
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