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Monday, October 15, 2012

Out of here by 31st, probably

The beet harvest is rolling along rather well. Looks like it will be done by at least the 31st. Could be done sooner.

Being on 3rd shift makes you appreciate not being on 3rd shift. But I have been getting some reading done. And the dust here is wicked! I know all about the dust in the desert, but this is is so line that it goes everywhere! It is powdered dirt -almost like talcum. You can't hide from it at all!!!!

I will have another post today or tonight. Have pics to get up from my run up to Ft Union and the only tunnel in ND! Pretty good pics of them both plus an old electricity drawbridge. It was a relaxing afternoon, but I definitely will not bee walking 3+ miles any time soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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