Got back all in one piece from Alabama. It was a nice week and it was good seeing the kids and grand kids! The "little ones" are growing up sooooo fast! Just helps me to feel all the more "old"! But except for the normal everyday aches and pains....still can't believe I will be 62 this year! Too bad my body can't keep up with my brain!
Traveling Our Forgotten Roads!
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
Spring! In Texas? A Taste of Spring!
Got back all in one piece from Alabama. It was a nice week and it was good seeing the kids and grand kids! The "little ones" are growing up sooooo fast! Just helps me to feel all the more "old"! But except for the normal everyday aches and pains....still can't believe I will be 62 this year! Too bad my body can't keep up with my brain!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
On The Road to TX
Have a ton of pictures to go thru and scan and divide up. Brought a few things back for the folks. Will have to go back the first part of May and get a little more done in the house. If all goes well, should be done by the fall! LOL! It is just so time consuming and at times seems almost overwhelming! But slowly & surly getting thru it all.
Friday, January 22, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016
"Warm" in Texas!! Kinda!! LOL!
I have to admit, even though the price of oil keeps dropping, and soooo, the price of gas here keeps dropping also....I still don't think the economy is doing all that great! In case you have not been keeping up with the Stock has dropped for a 10% "correction"...and oil keeps dropping....and people keep eating out....and the "national personal debt" keeps going up....and the US national debt keeps going will all catch up with us before too long!
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Another Year....Come & Gone!!
As I sit here on a construction site I'm looking at the old train station in downtown Ft Worth....and the downtown "old" Post makes me think about how, in today's society/system the "old things" seem to be relegated to somewhere in the closet/basement/'s just not "relevant" in this advanced/progressive/technological age in which we are living! What seems rather strange to me is that the old buildings have to be torn down (even those that are in "bad shape")...get many of the newer buildings seem to have a hard time just staying up!
Granted, as things age, they take more upkeep than when new...but if they are looked after they offer a utilitarian style of almost exotic lifestyle for those that become involved with them. But old & exotic is just so much more interesting! Things that have stood the test of time are the things folks look at to get a sense of stability in their lives.
Adding a little bit more to the post....the New Year has started! And it has rained most of the time, more or less!! LOL! Today the sun is shining! YEA!!! I come south to get away from most of the cold....but this year the relative cold and rain has followed me! But I can deal with it!
Looking a little bit more at "the old things"....the new is better is the oft used refrain....but when you balance out the cost of purchasing/paying for the new (taxes, insurance, additions, etc...) compared with being able to work on something yourself, lower insurance, no interest....just have to think about the possibility of keeping the "old" thing!!
That being said...the next few weeks will involve more "updating" on Bertha, ripping and replacing a few things, getting the propane system working, a tune-up, some painting (interior and exterior) to ready her for the upcoming summer to Idaho. SideKick has to have a tune-up and a turn-signal/parking light socket rewired in (since one of our furry friends here decided to try to make a bed under the hood and chewed off 3 wires from it!) But that issue will hopefully be fixed by this afternoon - thanks to Cary helping (actually doing) the soldering of new wires onto the socket!
Don't know if I mentioned it or not, but last year ended up being the wettest year on record for this area of Texas...over 62 inches for the year. All the ponds, lakes, resivoirs (however you spell it!) are full and the ground is like a full sponge....but still not complaining about the rain! We're out of drought now.
Time to get to work. Hope everyone is having a great new year and looking forward to a full year!!