Traveling Our Forgotten Roads!
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Friday, December 30, 2016
Save us both some $$$$$$$
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
A Nice Christmas!
This didn't publish on time! Sorry!
It was a good Christmas weekend. The G'parents had the great-grandchildren over to their place for the afternoon & dinner. The kids did great. I even survived pretty well. πΈπ
The dinner was excellent! So another Christmas has passed, New Year's is almost here!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
'Tis the Season!
It is " 'Tis the Season"! And the kiddies are getting ready...and the temperatures are falling! LOL!
For this part of the country, it has been cold the past couple of days. The "official" Lo this morning was 13*. And it is going to be cold for the next couple of days. But it never lasts too long down here, and Christmas is looking to be pretty good.
I'm hoping that each and every one of you has a great Christmas, lots of family time, and you get to eat too much!! ;-)
Monday, December 12, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Today is Julia Kate's birthday. But the party was yesterday...and it was a house full!
All I can say is.....all my kids are growing up too fast! And as soon as I'm able to get Bertha II I'll be able to make it around to ALL the birthday's!! I can't wait!!
Tiffany did a good job with the "Legos" theme and "Uni-Kitty"!
(If I'm spelling it right!! LOL!)
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
North/South Commute!!
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
Made It!
Bertha got me to Texas....kinda just barely! LOL! She had a tough couple of last days on the road, but she made it!
I'm at the kids here and parked and now comes the ...."do I work or just sit"!?!?!? I've got to get "Bertha II" before I can do any more traveling. Bertha has done me well since I had to move into her. But her age is showing and I'm no longer really into "projects" as large as she if becoming.So time will tell time, as in the next couple of weeks, just what my next move will be.
But it is nice to be back where the "lo"is 50 and the "hi" is 70! My kind of weather! I'm back into shorts again so I'm happy! LOL!
Just wanted to bring you guys up to speed with my travels and I'll get back on here soon as I know what directions I wll be headed in the next weeks/months!
Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day and you're getting ready for Christmas!
C'ya soon!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Working on Heading South!
I think I had mentioned that I was getting the charging fixed on Bertha. Well, it is fixed and she is running pretty well for a 40 year old RV! Battery is charging, cranks every time, and is doing a good job!
I headed south on the 5th, and all has gone well. I'm still in Idaho, close to being out of Idaho! But had a little hiccup in plans...still getting used to being on a "fixed income"...and when some things come along that were not planned.....OR....when something comes along that you've forgotten about, thinking that it had reached the sometimes have to modify your plans!!! LOL!!! Well, that's me!
So, I've been camped out for the past few days, and will be camped out for the next 3-4 days. I'll be rolling hard towards Tx on the 16th. And should be in Tx around the 21st or 22nd.
Had a great visit in Challis. Met a lot of great folks that became friends, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again next year when I get back up to this part of the country.
Ernie and Sally, the couple that opened up part of their yard for me to park in, are a really sweet and just plain great couple! Ernie was my guide to see some of the area that after 2 years of camp hosting I had still not been able to go and see!
Now, granted, this time of year, a lot of places are already closed up for the winter months...but you can still see them and have an idea of where and what you will do next time through!
We made a run up to and through Bayhorse Ghost town, which is now operated by the Forest Service. But it is very well done, has good parking and quite a bit to see.
From there we traveled on over to Bonanza & Custer Ghost Towns, with a stop at the old gold dredge that is between them. The dredge is now a museum that is open during the summer months (another place that I will have to get to next season) for visitors.
Ernie has been up here long enough that he has a pretty good grip on the area and places to see...and he does love going out into the countryside and getting into those places!
And it is really fun when he looks up a road on a hillside and then says...."you think we can make it up there?" My response was " You know your truck...and as long as I don't have to walk out...have at it!!!" LOL!
And due to him knowing the area pretty well, there are some fantastic views to be seen!
Now you also know you are out in the country when, as you drive around in Challis, you see "the city deer"! The deer are all over that town! And they are just as comfortable being in your front yard as they are being at the main highway intersection downtown!
And the wildlife out here is just everywhere! From the deer to the antelope to the big horn sheep.
Didn't get a picture, was too late, but one night I even saw a cougar wandering through the trailer park where I was parked.
That pretty well catches me up on what's current with, as one of my new friends calls me, "the transient local"!!
And as soon as my "budget" catches up with me I'll be rolling along south and getting a couple of more updates ready for you....both still shots and I'll also have more video uploaded in the next couple of weeks!
It looks like a mess...but it really isn't...just have to stack and balance in order to get all my stuff in reach to be able to work on my projects!! |
Take care and be safe!! C'ya!!! :-)
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Getting ready!
I'm planning on pulling out on Saturday, 11/5, and spending about 12 days on the road getting to Tx. I've found and marked several BLM sites to stay at on the way down. Plus I'll probably be stopping at some of my "old overnight spots" from my driving days.
So stay tuned and I'll be uploading pics and videos during the course of the next 2-4 weeks of the trip and what we find on it!!
Friday, October 14, 2016
America...You Need To See It!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Challis, ID for a couple of weeks!!
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Sitting in the Challis, ID library! Like the little pink pigs!?!?!?!? |
I will be getting Bertha into the shop around the 19th to have her charging system fixed...then shortly there after I'll be headed for Texas...will do my best to get there by T'day to be with the kids there. Then I'll be headed to Alabama for the Christmas and New Year season...probably be in AL until end of Jan or middle Feb.
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The Sawtooths are just spectacular!!! |
Soooo...I also now have my "Senior Access" card for the Nat'l Forest & Parks system. For those of you that don't know what that means....most all the Federal camping areas are now half price for me AND I get into all the Parks, Monuments, etc.....FREE! Going to make good use of that card!
Went for a drive this past Monday with Earnie...went West into the mountains next to Challis...and it was gorgeous! I'll get some pics uploaded in the next couple of days...soon as I get the uploaded from my phone!
Since I started this update...I've let a week go by and I've been on another ride with Ernie. We went east this time and rode up to "TV Tower" mtn...and what a view from there!!
We traversed across the mountains into the Pahsimeroi (Pah-sim-ah-roy) Valley...and it is just move beautiful views and....
ELK!! All over the place if you wait for them to come out!! When Ernie & I went looking for them, no luck. We took a break behind/around a small hill off the main road, for about 20 min, and when we came out, the empty field across from where we turned in was now full of elk!! LOL! The herd must have had about 125+ head in it! Beautiful!
Just the other evening we had an awesome sunset with the clouds looking like they were just glowing!!! It was a great view!!
I just did my first "upload" to my YouTube is just the header for the video work I will be doing as I travel....not bad...I'm just so far behind the power curve on this social stuff I'm kinda like a fish out of water or in rapids I can't jump over! LOL! Let's hope the link works!!!
Just did another post from youtube app....IT WORKED!!! LOL!
Have a great week and more to come in a few days!!!