It has rained here all day practically. Of course, we are not is a blessing to have the wet! And the temps have been like fall! It is currently 70 outside, it got up to about 75 today, the low since midnight was 66. They're calling for 70 as a low tonight, but I have a feeling it will be lower. And I love it!
I found two leaks in Bertha today, but it really leaked only when it was averaging .5 inches of rain per hour or more. So that is kind of good, and at least I found the leaks. Now I have to get Cary to help me seal the seams and the front vent tomorrow. I caught one of the drips from the vent leak! That was a decent shot! The other one is over the passenger side of the top bunk, it is an old leak that had been sealed, but it has struck again, so we will have to get it sealed the next day or so.
As I said, since it rained here almost all day, I spent the day working on the inside of my Mobile Tiny House, and I actually got quite a bit of work done! Surprisingly!!! :p I got the chairs and sofa cleared and straight (mostly).....
Then I got to work on the overhead area. Cary got the mattress out and the hinged boards last night for me. Today I cleaned it off more and got my drawers more or less set up. The are pretty much the way that I will leave them, just have to get them secured well. THEN.....the next important item.....TV!!!!
It actually looks pretty big sitting up there in the front. And you can see it from anywhere in the house (except the toilet and shower! LOL). Now I have to figure out what I will store behind it that doesn't have to be accessed very often. And how/where to mount my dvd player and the Wii.
Tackled the kitchen area again and did fairly well in getting it finished. It will of course change over the next several weeks as I start actually living in the house, but for now, it is usable and livable.
I also tackled the "pantry" area...and it came out pretty well. Tiffany went to the store today and picked up a few of the items that I needed for the first week or so that I will be out, and it also made it a little easier for me to figure out just how I wanted to start out my pantry.The cleaners have a home under the sink, but right now they live right there because they are getting a workout!!
Now, I still have to check out the shower/vanity/toilet workings (have to get the pump working first), but I have them cleaned out fairly well. In fact, I had it really straight, then needed tools and moving around stuff, so it got a little messy that was a really good reason to try out the accordian door!!!
It works!!! LOL And no holes, all rollers there, magnet latch is good, and does just what it is intended to do....hide people/stuff!!!
But there isn't too much stuff to hide there now. The table is the "main" dinner table that came with the house. I am going to put it on Craig's List because I will never use it and someone just might want to have an original table to use in a vintage rv they are fixing up. I will just never use it because it is just too much hassle to use. The original TWO posts for it to sit on are also here, so it is complete.
That pretty well catches me up for the past couple of days. It has been a fairly productive time, and healing time. And I am feeling much better, not only physically, but also "mentally/emotionally" since I have found a job that fits me like a good coat!!! And my boss, Buster, seems to be a good boss. The company has been around for 35 years, and in March of next year he will have been with the company for 35 years....that speaks volumes! And he has quite a few of us contractors that have worked for him 8,10,14-plus years. That also speaks volumes!
Well, that now catches me up!! I shall close for now, watch a little PBS World, and relax. It is supposed to be so cool tonight, I might just crash out here and sleep my 2nd night in my "new" Mobile Tiny House!!!

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