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Saturday, March 21, 2015

In Round Rock for most of weekend

Bertha and I and the children (Abbie and Snickers....LOL) arrived in Round Rock at the folks Wednesday evening....amongst the beginnings of the rains!! And it has been raining here for the past 49 hours almost continuously.  And the temps have been running between 52 to 64 degrees! Just a little slice of heaven!!!

The folks are doing well. They have settled in pretty well. For the most part!

I worked out in the parking lot on Thursday and Friday....and actually got a "workbench" for Dad built. Not fancy, but it ended up pretty sturdy and solid...has enough room for what he wants to do...even has an edging so he doesn't have to worry too much about chasing tools to the floor on the back side of it....and it will still be able to have some more things added to it.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. 

The critters and I will be headed out for NRH in the morning...hopefully we will be there by tomorrow afternoon/evening....a 3 hour trip down here in a "normal" vehicle equates out to about a 7 hour excursion in Bertha!!

The trip up was quite quiet...had no issues with cooling (when you sit and idle, that big block seems to build up enough heat to make a slight leak out the overflow tube) ... but there was no overheating issues on the run up. She does seem to have a small leak somewhere on the gas half a tank at a time is all I put in until I figure out where the leak is exactly.

Generator has done fine. With the power consumption needs that I have changed in the past 7 months, a good hard charge on the aux batt lasts about  13-16 hours...I don't thing that is too bad for one battery. 

About time to go check on Abbie and Snickers. And it isn't raining too hard right now, so a good time to take Abbie out for a break!

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