It is quiet in the big city on Sunday! More or less! :-) Well, at least there is about 80% less traffic! Heheh It is amazing just how much different you see a city on a Sunday morning. It is almost peaceful. When the shift was over I pulled out and headed to the laundromat for my weekly clothes washing. It is always basically empty, one or two folks come in while I'm there, so it is nice. And they got the A/C fixed apparently, because it was nice and cool in there this morning.
Got all my clothes done, stuffed back into the laundry basket to fold we all know, the wrinkles will fall out shortly after you put them on!! ;-) But today was even less $$....I had just one top load and one dry load, so all my clothes are clean for $2.25! I still can't get over the price...a top loader for $1...on the road they had cost $2-2.25. So this has been a pleasant surprise.

Right now I've settled into the parking lot of the nearby H.E.B. grocery store. It is literally on a hill top and there is a really nice breeze here...bordering on a soft wind! Even with the sun coming and going it is quite pleasant. It's amazing just how much better your attitude is when you are not feeling like you are sitting in an oven! But I can honestly say I am looking forward to fall/winter/spring! My body and temperment are just not very good for dealing with heat any more! I would rather be cold! :-)
The HEB has a rather large "green" area on the south side of the parking Abbie got to play fetch and "run, run, run" for a half-hour a little bit ago. She just went wild! For those of you that have had the opportunity to watch her "fly" around...she had that tail of her's on the ground and just tearing up the ground! She was moving so fast that she was loosing traction on grass! Now that is flying!! And she still loves to do the fetch thing...we have to do a little relearning about "bring it here" since she is a bit rusty with that aspect of the fetch idea!

I keep trying to get at least one or two small projects done each week in Bertha...which is a trying process at times with all the heat that has been here this past two weeks. I try to work at least an hour or so when I get off, but that is not always the case...depends on just how hot it has stayed overnight. But yesterday I did get my cables run for adding my inverter to the inside of the house so that I can run my generator less. I can usually make it until about noon each day before I need to fire up the A/C to try to keep it cooler inside here.
But the past week has also taught me that when the temp gets above 91-93 degrees, my little A/C unit is had put to cool it...mainly due to the way the vent tube works and the heat that comes off of it. I'm going to try to find some sort of flexible insulation that I can wrap it up with. I think that will help a whole lot. But it also helps greatly when I can get under some shade for the heat of the day. Which also means that I am looking into what kind of CoolKote or something of that nature that I can do the roof with.
This has been quite a challenge, to re-order my 2 year plan down to a 3 week plan and then prioritize what had to be done to get out here on the new job! It was quite a shuffle job. Many thanks to my kids for the help and patience of putting up with an 'ol fart like me that is going thru another "life change"! ;-)
I have been listening to a lot of NPR since I started this venture (I can't find PBS fact, most of the stations have pretty sad signal for television stations), so break out the shortwave radios! Have used both of them since being here and have happily found 2 NPR stations and a couple of Classical I'm set!! I'm going to try to figure out how to get my XM up and running again if I can get it close enough to one of the radios so that I can tune it IS football season, you know!!
Anyway, the other day I was listening to an interview on NPR with a young gal that is a singer/songwriter named Caroline Rhodes. She has a pretty good sound, good words/thoughts for her songs, and travels around living out of her van! :-) Towards the end of the interview as they were talking about all the different things/jobs, etc that she has done because she didn't feel like she could live just doing music. But after several years she made the plunge and started doing the "music thing", and she feels like whatever we do, and go, and work at....when it is all boiled down, we are the happiest when we "come back to the thing that we love the most"....very perceptive for a very young person. It made me think about myself and my "true love" which has always been traveling and seeing what was out here and sharing it with others that can't get/go to see these things...and so here I sit starting out all over again on another path that has brought me full circle back to the thing that I love....being totally fluid in daily life....which is almost where I am with this new job. I might be in one spot for a month to 6 months...but I'm living out of my little antique RV with my dog and seeing the world from a viewpoint that not many get the chance to see.
So if you read an entry from me that has a slightly "down" tone to it...chalk it up to heat, old age, mental instability, being around too many people for too many hours....or just a bad day! Because, overall, I'm in a stage of my living experience that I have striven to get to for the past 30 years or so! And, in all honesty.....I'm more at peace right now than I have been in the past 30 years!!
Hmmmm....breeze is slowing down a bit, and it is up to 81* here now....hmmmm....I do believe I shall be on the hunt for shade in a bit...but maybe we will get some of the rain that keeps moving by just to the north of us. From the looks of the radar and from what I heard this morning on the news, DFW got hammered last night and this morning...folks here would love to have some more of that! The one thing that is amazing is that it is halfway thru August and it is pretty well still green around here and the trees are not they have had a pretty good summer with rain here so far. has also been a good week for Bertha!! She is now LEGAL!!! YEA!!! Many, many thanks to Betty Jenkins at the tag office at Etowah County Tag Office...she is an angel in disguise! (Spelling?? LOL) She got all the paperwork thru for me and mailed it out! It got to Tif and Cary's and I had her send it to me c/o General Delivery at the post office close to me....well, was that an education. I'm used to being where there are small towns and single post offices...such is not the case in the larger cities apparently! All General Delivery packages go to one PO here...and of course it was about 17 miles away! I believe it was/is part of the cost savings for the PO, but boy, it doesn't do much for "cost savings" for the customer! But, be that as it may....I have a legal Bertha now!!! YEA!!! And a pretty tag also! :-)
One "small" update....I hit the publish button by mistake!! LOL I just took the time to go ahead and "upgrade" from the 300w inverter to the 1000w shows me the voltage left in the batt and the watts being used. And a fairly pleasant surprise, the small blue fan and the tv on at the same time only draw 10w. Not surprising, but I also now know that the frig draws 90-100w, so it will be sparingly used on the battery. :-)
It is now 2pm and I am looking for football...but not a replay of the Dallas game (same old Cowboys!). Hopefully I will be able to find some football...but with the results that I have gotten so far with the stations here, I have my doubts.
And...I'm sitting on the end of the parking lot that has grass/hillside/trees on it, so the air is a lot cooler when it gets to me. It is supposed to be 102* today, but it is only 89* on Weatherbug and it is overcast, so it is quite bareable. I'm learning more about how to live the life I've chosen each day! It is quite fun, actually!! :-)
This should be it for today's update and I'll be trying to do this at least twice a week, maybe more if things call for it.
P.S. - - - - And just for those of you that are interested and have been following the saga of Frog's blood pressure....just took it and.....