Traveling Our Forgotten Roads!
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
One of these days.......
In Streetsboro, OH for the night. Load out in the morning, run down to Cincinnati, do another pick for this run, then turn west and head for Aurora, CO. Will be there Sunday night, make my drop Monday morning and then turn south for Albuquerque, NM for the 2nd drop on this run. By then I will be out of hours again and be doing a restart. So will lounge around there for 2 days, look at the little motorhome I'm looking at and then do another 6 days, run out of hours and do it all over again!!
Been storming here all day/evening...wish some of it would go out to the Southwest....they are really hurting for water. Be that as it may, I will be glad to get west of the MS river again!!
Oh, and today I finally got my lightweight is a 3 piece set and each piece weighs about 1/3 of weight of the other 2 tarps that I have had to use. Thanks to Cavin for letting me get the light weight I told Erin (my dispatcher), I really don't mind was the picking up and moving around 130-185 pound tarps that was just in the plan for me to do!! LOL
Anyway, 11:24pm so it is bedtime, 5:30 still comes early. See you in the next couple of days and hopefully there will be a bunch of pics for you to see!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Reset time again...In MO this time! :)
In the middle of another 34hr southern Missouri this time. I deliver in Jackson, TN in the morning, then turn and run back to W Memphis, AR to load out for Greensboro, NC. Supposed to be in NM Tuesday morning...that is not going to happen. But should be able to get there by Tuesday afternoon, late.
Have been working on the inside of the truck last night and today...between cat naps! LOL I'm about 90% done with the cabin...just a few things to get put up or thrown away and then some light cleaning and my mobile apartment will be pretty well setup! :) I've been going thru stuff that I have not used in 4 months and it went in the circular file box! And I finally went thru my clothes and got rid of all my old stuff (have bought new shorts and shirts...don't look ragged any more!). So all my clothes are either hanging or in one small tub, most of my food stuffs have homes now, electronics either in a case or cabinet, tools put away in tool box under dinette seats. Just have stuff in one dinette seat to find homes for and a small amount in passenger seat! Can almost see the whole floor!!! It will get cleaned this evening and the throw rug will be taped in place and it will look like an actual living area!! My bed linens get folded and put on the top bunk, along with pillows, and figured out how to get the top bunk raised up about 70% of the way up so that I now have head room all day! Just drop it down at night and set up bed and ready for sleep! Takes about 45 seconds to make my bed and 30 seconds to put it up in the mornings! :D
You can tell when shipping is down a bit....the rest area I have been camped out in is a brand new one on the southern end of I-55 in MO (they closed down 2 on N bound and 2 on S bound) and they have only been opened a few monthsl Last night the truck parking area never got much over 1/2 full! So it was peaceful and the view is not bad.
I think I'll listen to the end of the race and work on the cabin for a while and when I get done later I'll get back on here and post a few pics of my "cleaned up, set up mobile Japanese Efficiency Apartment!!
I shall return!! ;)
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Trying to get on a Schedule! :)

And after several months, I had to face the fact that when I got a few days off.....I didn't want to return to the fields!

Seeing different signs of the past!!
Having the opportunity to go see businesses that are doing things the same way that they were done 100 years in getting a load of logs that had been cut to be the final shipment for a log home! The logs came from Oregon....and went to Pennsylvania.
Getting to drive along byways of the US that will just take your breath away...and make me want to stop and take pictures and just be at peace for 5 minutes!!