I am "basing myself" out of Tiffany & Cary's place for now...they are showing kindness to an 'ol fart and letting Bertha and Bessie (the Astro and rPod) stay in their driveway while I am out in west and south Texas working.
I like to tell folks that I am contributing to the fracking controversy...I am hauling sand to the well sites that they use to pump down the wells under high pressure to crack the rock to get to the oil and natural gas!
So, you all know me....I have settled down into my new apartment and am almost settled in!!
And of course, I am getting my cockpit setup! The rest of the truck takes a while to get right.

They are moving so much sand around that the load points are scattered all over the area, ranging from actual sand/rock sites that have been here for awhile.....
to temporary setups that are at railsidings that have been put in for this specific reason.....
To loading out of warehouses!.....
and they are scattered from Houston to Laredo to Midland to DFW to Lubbuck. I have driven from Bryan to Houston to Laredo to get and deliver a load of sand! It is quite interesting.
Right now I'm sitting in Bryan, TX (my birth place) waiting on a load assignment. Yesterday I made two loads to here into a new wellhead that will begin operations in a couple of days. We were doing what is called a pre-load, getting sand into the site in advance of operations so they can hit the ground running. I'll get some good pics of an actual operation soon and let you see what it looks like...it is quite interesting and the amount of equipment that they stuff into a square that is about 400'X400' is really amazing!
Time to watch some tv, read, surf and just kill some time!! More to come soon!!